onsdag 15 juli 2009

Kalligrafi och japansk kultur för nyfikna at Nordiska Akvarell Museet | 2009-10-02 to 2009-10-04

Hiroko Kimura
Kalligrafi och japansk kultur för nyfikna
2.10 – 4.10
En höstkurs som tar fasta på kalligrafins ledstjärnor koncentration och inlevelse. Övningar i det kalligrafiska hantverket varvas med inblickar i de japanska tecknens hemligheter, föredrag om den japanska kulturen och japansk dans. Kursen vänder sig både till dig som är nyfiken på japansk kultur och dig som vill utveckla ditt bildskapande och ditt sätt att använda penseln. Kalligrafimästare Hiroko Kimura är uppvuxen i Japan och bosatt i Sverige sedan 1978, verksam som konstnär, kalligraf och lärare. Hon började träna kalligrafi redan som treåring och 1964 tog hon examen från Musashino Art University i Tokyo. Hon har undervisat i många år, bla vid Stockholms universitet och på Etnografiska museet i Stockholm. Hon ger grunderna i det kalligrafiska hantverket utifrån de traditionella redskapen pensel, tusch och papper.

Pris: 2.700 kr inkl. lunch. Anmälan till museet senast 11.9.

Länk till akvarellmuseet

måndag 27 april 2009

Hiroko Exhibition at Pappersbutiken | 2009-05-15 to 2009-06-05

Hiroko will show watercolour paintings and calligraphy at Pappersbutiken Papper för konstnärer at Upplandsgatan 37, May 15th.

Hiroko will have a calligraphy demonstration at 14:00.
Open for everybody!


The exibition will continue till the 5th of June.

Vernissage på Pappersbutiken för konstnärer den 15 Maj. Kalligrafiuppvisning klockan 14:00
Utställningen fortsätter till den 5 juni.

Some Pictures from the Sakura Festival by Olessia

fredag 17 april 2009

April 18th Sakura Festival in Kungsträdgården in Stockholm

April 18th, Hiroko Kimura will write calligraphy in Kungsträdgården in Stockholm at the yearly Körsbärsblommans Dag event.

The whole event starts at 13:00 and finishes at 18:00
Hiroko Kimura will show her excellent skills at 14.35

For more information about please vist kungsträdgården's homepage


tisdag 7 april 2009

Galleries finally open

After a lot of hard work the galleries are finally open.

"Japanska tecken i tiden"
These photographs are all from the exhibition "Japanska tecken i tiden", Moji, from 1994 at the Museum of Ethnography in Stockholm.

"Love Story"
Is a short suite of watercolour paintings.

link to the galleries

tisdag 3 februari 2009

Sinebrychoff Art Museum, Helsinki January 29th - May 17th

Ms. Hiroko Kimura was invited to Helsinki by the Sinebrychoff Art Museum to take part in an exhibition on the theme "Daughters of The Sun Goddess - Japanese Femininity" inspired by The Sun Goddess in traditional Japanese culture.

The museum (till the 17th of May) hosts five currently working Japanese female printmakers as well as Ms. Kimura: Toko Shinoda, Naoko Matsubara, Mayumi Oda, Nana Shiomi and Reika Iwami. Beside mentioned artists, a collection of 600 woodblock prints dating back to the 16:th century are exhibited, all depicting women in daily life as in more formal situations. Cosmetics and items related to the work of geisha are also displayed. A large room in the very tastefully designed exhibition is dedicated to the art of teamaking (Cha-do), showing various objects used in tea cermony, as well as a sample tea room being built for the occation.

Ending the day of opening festiviteies, Ms. Hiroko Kimura used one of her largest brushes to write a work sized 1,5 x 9 m: "Amaterasu Omikami", the actual name of the Sun Goddess, as well as "Iroha Uta" (a poem using all of the Japanese "hiragana" syllable characters (all but "n") only once), and a poem by Ono no Komachi, one of the more well known and enjoyed Japanese female poets. Both of the calligraphed poems invites us to go beyong the surface of life and thus transcend life's suffering, and are great examples of how Buddhist notions were blended into daily life in old Japan.

Before leaving the museum Ms. Kimura left a sanctifying paper clip used in traditional Japanese devotions, thus establishing a relation between the written work presented to the museum, and the actual realm of the divine.

The visit in Helsinki was all very well hosted by the museum and Ms. Kimura kindly thanks all friends and students who helped her in all ways making her participation
a success.